ABE Expansion Site Awarded Grant!
We are pleased to announce that the ABE Expansion Site, located in the Harmon Mall, Stephenville, has been awarded $1,000.00 in funding through the Literacy Newfoundland and Labrador Opportunities Initiative (http://www.literacyNL.ca/). The approved project, entitled ‘Curricular Technology Integration’, is designed to provide practical opportunities for students to utilize technology-based software and hardware to enhance their literacy and numeracy strand proficiency.Congratulations and Best Wishes for continued project success!
Instructor Harry Clarke has used the monies received to purchase individual licences of the following web-based software packages: Lexia Learning (http://www.lexialearning.com/), IXL Mathematics Skills (http://ca.ixl.com/), and Merit Online Reading (http://www.meritsoftware.com/). Students are thoroughly enjoying the online experience and feel that they are benefiting greatly from this unique computerized approach to adult education.