Our Vision
To make a positive difference in people’s lives
Community Education Principles
- Self-determination
- Self-Help
- Maximum use of resources
- Leadership development
- Inclusiveness
- Life-long learning
- Community Involvement in schools
- Integrated service delivery
- Community Capacity Building
- Citizen engagement
- Localization
- Institutional responsiveness
- Participatory practices
Our Mission
To create a learning culture through a lifelong learning process which promotes personal enrichment and healthy, sustainable communities.
CEN Collaborative
Community Education Network (CEN) and its Associates-Community Action Committee (CAC) and Community Youth Network (CYN) operate as a collaborative- an entity where people work together collaboratively, through inspired action and learning, to create and realize bold visions for their common future.
The collaborative is guided by community education principles-self-determination; self-help; maximum use of resources; leadership development; inclusiveness; life-long learning; community involvement in schools; integrated service delivery and localization as adopted by CEN in 1991


CEN Executive
John MacPherson
Mark Felix
Treasurer / Secretary
Janice Kennedy
Executive Director
Bernice Hancock
“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
-Margaret Mead