June Updates at CERC Stephenville!
The Community Employment Readiness Centre is currently facing the busiest time of year! The counsellors have been seeing individuals who are interested in returning to school in Fall 2012. We would like to inform the public that anyone wishing to apply for funding for school must have their application complete by July 6, 2012. If you are interested and haven’t yet met with a counsellor, please do so as soon as possible!
Each month the Community Employment Readiness Centre offers Outreach services to Flat Bay and McKay’s area.
A counsellor will be in Flat Bay on the second Wednesday of each month and will be taking appointments at the Flat Bay Indian Band office. We will also visit the Area Development office in McKay’s on the third Wednesday of each month.
Outreach Dates for June 2012
- Flat Bay – June 13, 2012
- McKay’s – June 20, 2012
CERC would also like to take this time and say goodbye to one of our Employment Counsellors. Natasha Pitcher will be moving on to a new position in St. Johns at the end of the month. We would like to thank Natasha for all of her hard work and dedication and we wish her the best of luck in the future.