Skills Day A Success in Port aux Basques
Skills Day has been an annual undertaking of the Career Planning Sub-Committee of the Marine Mountain Youth Employment Strategy. This committee is coordinated through Communities In Schools (CIS) with support from school Guidance Counsellors, Advanced Education & Skills and the Western School District. This year, Skills Day was held on May 24th at St. Christopher’s […]
June Updates at CERC Stephenville!
The Community Employment Readiness Centre is currently facing the busiest time of year! The counsellors have been seeing individuals who are interested in returning to school in Fall 2012. We would like to inform the public that anyone wishing to apply for funding for school must have their application complete by July 6, 2012. If […]
Take our kids to work
On May 31, grade nine students from Stephenville High had the opportunity to spend a day at work in the community. The Annual Take Our Kids to Work Day went over great, as over 80 students ‘went to work’ for a day at retirement homes, beauty salons, and grocery stores, and other locations in the […]
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