Community Café Celebrates International Youth Day!
If you had the chance to drop by the Lions Club on Thursday, Aug 13, 2015 for our monthly Community Café, you will have noticed a few things done differently. Thanks to this month’s sponsor-Community Youth Network (CYN)-we celebrated International Youth Day 2015 in a big way.
Musical talents of local youth drifted through the welcoming doors inviting patrons and passersby to come in and embrace the celebration. Upon entering patrons were invited to check out community display boards and interact with a variety of local service providers to educate themselves on services offered in our area. Among those were the YMCA, CHANNAL, NAWN, the BSG Women’s Center, Community Education Network and our Youth Outreach Worker. Everyone was welcomed with a friendly smile and invited to engage in conversation and activities (make your own stress balls, color a picture, or start a Community Scribble Conversation to name a few). If you felt like having your nails done, you could – thanks to a Youth Venture entrepreneur.
For those who were hungry there was ample food offered. Thanks to the Lions Club for offering to cook up hundreds of BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers and to the volunteers who donated the delicious assortment of salads. For those who just can’t finish a meal without a little sweetness, homemade ice cream sandwiches and cupcakes were offered by the friendly, and eager young servers.
After lunch many sat around enjoying conversation with friends, while others moved in closer to appreciate the vocal and instrumental talent of several youth and regular café entertainers, Lloyd and Francie.
Of course, what is a celebration without prizes? Thank you to the College of the North Atlantic and CYN for donating so many giveaways. In addition, every August, a SUNSENSE bag is awarded to one lucky and Sun Smart patron who participated in our SUN SENSE trivia contest…congrats to Sharon Cormier, this year’s winner.
To all who assisted, participated, executed, engaged, served, donated in any manner, a huge THANKS!!! To all, young and young at heart…we are so thankful you are a part of our Community Café family. Remember to appreciate those in your life…Happy International Youth Day!