Community Behind Block the Bus
For the sixth year, CFSX and CYN, Southwestern has partnered for the joint effort of raising funds and providing supplies for families needing assistance with school shopping. Thanks to the generosity of many folks and organizations students in sixteen schools in the southwestern region
will receive needed school supplies to make their school year a success.
On August 12, 2016, a huge yellow school bus was parked in the Indian Head Coop parking lot enticing many to drop by and see what it was all about. Stephenville Lions members offered each a bbq hot dog and cold beverage. While there was no charge for this service, many folks dropped some change into the donation box to help in the efforts.
Block the Bus succeeds thanks to the organizing and promotional efforts of the staff at CFSX; in addition to the school presence of CYN, Southwestern. The Indian Head Coop sponsored the event, offering free hot dogs and pop to donators and passers-by.
CYN Regional Coordinator, Vanessa Lee, offered a huge thanks to both the Stephenville Lions Club and the Stephenville Rotary Club for their financial support for the past several years, as well as this year.