CYN Offers Bookworms Summer Camps 2019
Educators are Heros
“To raise a child takes a village.” If any one has ever been responsible for the care and welfare of a child knows this to be all to true. During May 26-June 1, 2019 many celebrations and events were held province-wide to thank a special group of individuals-Early Childhood Educators (ECE). On Friday, May 31, […]
TTW: A chance to Learn and Grow
Nearly 60 people gathered on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at the Stephenville Lions Club to celebrate the success and achievements of 12 adults who successfully completed the Transitions to Work program. Employment Programs Coordinator, Corinne Tulk, welcomed everyone for attending and for their support to those being “celebrated today.” For the second year, CEN has […]
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